Saturday, November 25, 2006

these past days

Well it is time to write an update. Currently I am in the last leg of my journey, internship, work, analyzing…whatever you prefer. I have had the wonderful blessing to meet with two very educated people in the area of data analyzing! Fancy that. They have given me some pointers on the database and encouraged me about how cool this project is. I have about 10 days to write up some form of a report about Buhumbi and all the things I have learned about the village while here…whew!!
I also would like to tell you about this past week and a half. I joined CRWRC on part of a small exchange between TAnzania, ZAmbia and MAlawi (called TAZAMA). The aim of this exhange is to increase awareness between partners in the listed countries about what type of work goes on in each country. Community development can take many forms, in different cultures, climates, communities at different stages, access to education etc. By taking some of the indigenous people from each country to look at different places, their eyes can be opened to new ways of doing things, and learn by seeing.
*For two days we went out to Magu District in Tanzania, where Buhumbi village is located. This was great because besides learning about types of programs going on, it helped clarify things for my upcoming report. We saw things that had been implemented over the years like certain types of crops, fuel efficient stoves, food storage practices, new latrines being built, education programs… It is important to see that seemingly small things have big impacts: not only on the physical aspect of communities, but emotional- each program and success, no matter how small, brings a sense of accomplishment and pride- a forgetting of fatalistic attitudes and a grasping of helping yourself attitudes.
*Then this past weekend I joined TAZAMA to Kenya. Outside of Nairobi in the countryside is beautiful country, with terracing on the surrounding hills, and mountains in the distance. The soil is red, the plants green and the air cool at this time of year (I enjoyed that!). We went to visit an organization called Dorcas Aid International, where they are working in a community about 2-3 hours by car outside of Nairobi. Dorcas Aid, along with the Redeemed Gospel Church and the Food Reserves Bank, has many programs running in this area. Even including BioSand Filters!! BioSand filters are cool, and using mostly local materials (the concrete has to be bought), 99% of bacteria and pathogens can be filtered out of water. The Main point of going to Kenya was to see the water dams that have been built with Dorcas Aid’s help. Sand dams placed on seasonal rivers, water pan dams in individual farmer’s fields, and earth dams made with tractors all work to serve the community with water during the dry season.

These experiences were great learning ones and I am glad I could join CRWRC on the excursions. I have seen from different viewpoints that involving communities in development (which, respectfully, is obviously the only sustainable way of reaching community development), requires an organization (and hey- I don’t mean to say that a community couldn’t develop without an organization!) that will let people do what they can to help themselves…making projects their own.

Friday, November 17, 2006

here is some more pics of our safari

some safari pics. yes i know that amidst poverty and confusion it is difficult to step into another world but it was amazing! wierd to think there are so many different situations and places to see all in a three hour driving radius.

giraffe on the road

in ngorongoro crater which is an ancient volcano where many animals preside (there weren't that many when we went but further into rainy season there will be more) giraffes can't go down there cuz its too steep. in the distance in this pic is the edge of the crater and some wildebeests below.

this is an OLD fogey elephant i think 40 years old (or 80?? now i can't remember). he resides in the crater. check out those tusks!!

serengeti means "great plain" in swahili.

guess what this is!!??


WELL november 11-14 came the long awaited safari. My wonderous friend Sarah came down from Kenya to visit and for a safari i planned to the serengeti and ngorongoro crater. Three other ladies joined us including Jan, who has worked with me here, Naomi and Kay who are two other friends here. it was a great break and awesome that i could experience it with a close friend! It was camping and I have to say one night we were positive there was an animal walking around outside our tent and I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Whew!! I think it was mostly the wind but I have to say I for SURE heard footsteps!! eee! kreebles. there was no way thought that I was going to open the tent door to look out- no way hosea.
We lived in luxury and had a chef and a driver. but they were both pretty essential especially with the amount of driving, paying for park passes, knowing where to drive, radioing with other drivers to know where animals are, the late hour we got into camp and therefore exhausted and having someone cook food was just the right thing.
we saw many animals!! a cheetah with a kill, a leopard with a kill, about 44 lions in all, maybe 30 elephants, hyenas, gazelles, impalas, topi's, hartebeests, wildebeests, guineafowl, hooded vultures, hippos, crocs, monkeys, baboons, don't forget the GIRAFFES!! they are so cool, lovebirds, many other birds, cape buffalo, zebras, crowned cranes, flamingos....

wow!! it was great. the vehicle and a roof that raised up so i pretty much just stood up the whole time with the wind in my face. glorious. we also visited a Masaai village where they danced for us and showed us their huts. and we visited Olduvai (properly it is "oldupai") Gorge, where prints of historical two legged 'hominid' creatures have been found apparently from 3.6 million years ago...take a look at it on the internet... it'll bring up many questions. pretty interesting when you are travelling with a variety of christian backgrounds in one small vehicle!!

well a few weeks have passed since I wrote on my blog. There are a few different experiences I wish to share, so i'm going to make separate posts:) About a week and a half ago my purse was stolen. Kind of an assault or mugging if you want to call it that...but basically my purse was ripped off my shoulder. I was walking home with a friend from another friend's house- about a 12 minute walk. A walk I have walked many times before and neglected to think anything of walking in the dark- since I was walking WITH someone else, and I had a flashlight (which in the end i think may have aided in the whole situation). It was about 10 at night but usually if you walk with someone people say it is okay to walk. Well I won't be walking much in the dark anymore- unfortunately, but hey. So we are walking up the hill to treehouse and suddenly there is a huge tugging on my shoulder and I don't clue in until the guy is half way down the hill. We didn't hear him come up behind us AT ALL which is the scary part. When i finally discovered someone had actually had the GUTS to take my purse and not someone just trying to scare me (people like to scare me cuz i give a reaction so for some reason my first thought was that it was our gardener trying to scare me- who knows why- he would never do that) the guy was already half way down the hill. I RAN after him. Flaget said she was purty suprised and scared to- what would've happened if i did catch this guy?? But what the heck- I was mad- could this really be happening?? something BAD??? was my cell phone and money and purse actually in the hands of this one guy? what was I going to DO?? no mom or dad to yell for around here!! I ran and yelled until i couldn't see him any more. I yelled "thief thief thief"- although i forgot the swhahili word for it- which may be a good thing because around here if there is a thief and people are around and know it, they may well kill the person.
We found out the next morning while searching that people had heard someone yelling thief but they never saw the guy. Anyways I could go on forever, but long story purse and some money, cell phone, nalgene bottle, a little book that i'd kept for sermon notes and language notes since I was in Haiti, and some other stuff is gone. the purse was also from Haiti so I'm a little crushed but I am working on taking this as a lesson to learn from rather than feeling sorry for myself.
I have discovered that if someone has not had a similar experience they cannot really empathize with the fear, anxiety and sadness felt. I am jumpy now! and look how 'little' of a thing this was. Flaget reminded me that I am so blessed to have grown up in a safe home- some kids feel the fear I felt every night of their lives- being scared that someone is after them, or scared of their parents.
The next morning we looked for my stuff- no luck. went to police station to report it- someone had found my credit card etc!! too bad it was already cancelled- but someone did get my bank cards and student ID card back to me. So there is some hope for justice.
I have received support from people around here, and much understanding, as similar things have happened to many missionary families around here. I am SO thankful that God is giving me what I stand in need of- it is forcing me to actually think about it instead of shoving it away and pretending nothing happened.
I am not an eloquent writer so this is probably boring to read already. So i am just going to share a few verses. It is important to realize that what we have is God's, and try to work on dedicating it to him and saying it outloud- "my purse is not mine" ""my" laptop is not mine"...but means to serve God. Who knows why people take things (besides the obvious poverty answer) but I hope that what was taken is used for something good, and that I won't always get so angry or sad about it when i think about it, and that I won't keep being so jumpy and alert. I was also told to imagine Jesus in the situation standing with me, and seeing what he would do, and trying to imagine a different end to the situation.

"Now there is great godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world..." 1 Timothy 6:1-10.

-from Our Daily Bread "J. Oswald Sanders, in his book facing lonelinessI wrote, "When Jeremy Taylor, the old Puritan, had his house burglarized, all his shoicest possessions taken, and his family turned out of doors, he knelt down and thanked God that his enimies had left him the sun and moon, a loving wife and many friends to pity and relieve, the providence of God, all the promises of the gospel, his faith, his hope of heaven, and his charity toward his enemies!" Sanders added, "With wealth such as this, no burglar could impoverish him."

"Set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ..." 1 Peter 1:13

Lord please let me learn to not place so much value on my possessions, to show love to others, to stand up for what is right, and thank you so much that nothing worse happened to me. Please continue to place protection around each one of us...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

This past week I have interviewed many different organizations and learned alot...from my journal since i'm too lazy to think right now:
"I have learned that Tanzania is full of orphans because of AIDS. full of street children because of poverty and the fact that many communities ignore child rights. learned that girls stay at home and are often beaten. more boys are on the streets cuz girls are more valuable in future to receive a bride price. agriculture and aids are connected- when ppl are on meds for aids they MUST eat good foods or the meds may just cause more well...ppl need alot of support to stay on the meds-if they are started and then quit the meds- again there is more damage caused. i have learned that many pastors are ministering to their churches without much education to do so. and have learned that many do not know the good news of Jesus Christ. i have learned that dental decay is the world's most common disease (not most deadly) and it can cause death! and have seen that orphaned children can be very happy living on basics of food water shelter (not nice shelter but still shelter) and clothing (again not nice, but does the job)- and love. i have learned that i might fall in love with this country. and also that i can be very frustrated by it. i have learned it is beautiful and confusing. and i have learned that i don't know much"- ...but i learn that every day!...
Next week I will begin to analyse and write my report on all the info from the health program in Buhumbi.

we walked along the shore for a bit today. this is in an area just by mwanza called bwiru...flaget and i went to camp in her tent by the someone's guarded back yard of course! it was wonderful to hear the waves...and the rain.

driving down the road. many times i am suprised we haven'e killed anyone yet...bikers like the smooth road just as much as cars.

This is Winnie (the cook and housekeeper here at the guesthouse-she makes me breakie and she cooks lunch for the team that works with streetchildren)and Paulo (gardener, he is very friendly and we always laugh at my terrible swahili, and he knows NO english and no desire to learn. he calls me anastasia- because i introduce myself as "anna" (second name=anne...anna...anna much easier to say than lindsay... lindsay in swahili tongue sounds like 'rrrinzy' and no one can remember it)

Mango break time!!