Sunday, August 27, 2006

A bright sunny day

Well its a beautiful sunny day and i'm working on going outside. I just got home from being at a wonderful Environmental Studies Institute called Au Sable, where I learned about sustainable and ecological agriculture and global development (university credit courses- so of course i don't know all there is to know!) It took place for 5 weeks on an island called Whidbey, just to the north of Seattle. We lived right by the ocean and mountains and it was quite the experience for a prairie girl. In two weeks I will be leaving on a crazy adventure to work with an NGO in Mwanza, Tanzania. So far I know i'll be seeing Serengeti National park and living right by lake Victoria in a wonderful place called the treehouse. I will be gone until December, and this is to do an internship for my ENVS degree at Kings College, Alberta. I will be doing statistical work; organizing raw data about the health of children and relate it and its history to the environmental history. As well I will be learning first hand about a research method called PRA or RRA. More information will follow as I myself still must learn what this is all about- but it is very involved and strives to be part of the community being worked with.


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